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Общество художников RUISO

Welcome to a society of artists RUISO

In our society of artists there are classes where venerable masters help young generation to raise the skill. In this school at a society of artists people of all age, since 10 years are accepted. To each pupil the approach especially individual. As we have an art workshop where we write pictures, do stretchers, frames for artists, canvases.

Grigoryan Vladimir Vladimirovich

GrigoryanVladimir Vladimirovich Grigoryan was born in 1954 in Baku in a family of the hereditary artist from upland Karabaha. In Baku has ended the first 8 classes then it together with a family has moved to Armenia. Has got education of the electrical engineer at the Moscow Aviation Institute and worked at the ministry of nonferrous metallurgy and the Ministry of Communications. On a debt of work Vladimir Vladimirovich has traveled all Soviet Union: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

Vladimir Vladimirovich has received art education at family school; at the state art schools it was never trained. Grigoryan's family is engaged in painting here 17 centuries and all knowledge was transferred from the father to the son. And Vladimir Vladimirovicha's father trained the son.

Kochetov Nikolay Afanasevich

Kochetov"All of us our edge Situated near Moscow with its blond birches, with century oaks, stately fur-trees, curly mountain ashes is favourite. But not all manage to sing of it in verses, and especially to transfer all magnificence of paints of the Nature on a cloth. There are among us who has this gift. To number of people not only loving selflessly the edge, but also possessing ability to transfer its image on a canvas, the artist - Kochetov Nikolay Afanasevich concerns. On February, 15th, 2007 to artist Muzeja Kochetovu Nikolay Afanasevichu 60 years were executed. And he was born nearby to our places in village Tovarkovo of the Tula area. Very much has early begun the labor activity. In 16 years it already worked in laboratory of bench tests All-Union research design and institute of technology of motorcycles and small-displacement internal combustion engines as the mechanic - the verifier. It is a lot of and zealously worked, tried to be engaged both design activity, and manufacturing of collages of a direction "Old Russian iconography".