Kochetov Nikolay Afanasevich |
"All of us our edge Situated near Moscow with its blond birches, with century oaks, stately fur-trees, curly mountain ashes is favourite. But not all manage to sing of it in verses, and especially to transfer all magnificence of paints of the Nature on a cloth. There are among us who has this gift. To number of people not only loving selflessly the edge, but also possessing ability to transfer its image on a canvas, the artist - Kochetov Nikolay Afanasevich concerns. On February, 15th, 2007 to artist Muzeja Kochetovu Nikolay Afanasevichu 60 years were executed. And he was born nearby to our places in village Tovarkovo of the Tula area. Very much has early begun the labor activity. In 16 years it already worked in laboratory of bench tests All-Union research design and institute of technology of motorcycles and small-displacement internal combustion engines as the mechanic - the verifier. It is a lot of and zealously worked, tried to be engaged both design activity, and manufacturing of collages of a direction "Old Russian iconography".
Nevertheless the art talent always prevailed over technical ability and gradually Nikolay Afanasevich has completely plunged into creativity. In 1975 it ends the Ryazan art school under the direction of known muralist Ageeva Victor Viktorovicha whom till now remembers with admiration. Many good words have been addressed also to known Pushchinsky artist Peter Petrovichu Nikiforovu with whom Nikolay Afanasevicha connected many long years warm friendly relations. Nikolay Afanasevicha's creative activity from now on has increased. Kochetova N.A.'s painting differ tenderness and warmth of paints, pictures are easily recognized. In them its vision of the surrounding nature and its love to native Moscow suburbs and the great Native land - Russia is reflected. Nikolay Afanasevicha's picturesque cloths can be seen in our city museum, at Children's music school of A.A.Alyabyev, in the Serpukhov grammar school №1, and also in private collections of inhabitants of of Serpukhov, Pushchino, Podolsk and abroad. Through the union of artists of work of Kochetova N.A. were exposed in different cities (Moscow, Podolsk, etc.) . Being the person kind and sympathetic, it constantly supports cultural activity of the fellows villager and decorates the works local, traditional holidays in village Podmoklovo where the church of the Virgin belonging in a XVII-th century to princes by Dolgorukov which with special pleasure Nikolay Afanasevich has embodied in the products, as it is known, is located. Kochetov N.A. brings the certain contribution to preservation of a spiritual heritage of Russia, its works impart art taste to young generation, bring up sense of beauty and love to the small native land. "Nikolay Afanasevich helps to restore a cultural heritage of our corner of the world, being engaged in a museum in restoration of pictures and other subjects of museum fund. |