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Grigoryan Vladimir Vladimirovich

GrigoryanVladimir Vladimirovich Grigoryan was born in 1954 in Baku in a family of the hereditary artist from upland Karabaha. In Baku has ended the first 8 classes then it together with a family has moved to Armenia. Has got education of the electrical engineer at the Moscow Aviation Institute and worked at the ministry of nonferrous metallurgy and the Ministry of Communications. On a debt of work Vladimir Vladimirovich has traveled all Soviet Union: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

Vladimir Vladimirovich has received art education at family school; at the state art schools it was never trained. Grigoryan's family is engaged in painting here 17 centuries and all knowledge was transferred from the father to the son. And Vladimir Vladimirovicha's father trained the son.


After Belarusii Vladimir Vladimirovich some time lived in Armenia, then there was Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, some time Baltic, but then it nevertheless has returned to Serpukhov where 10 years ago has based a society of artists RUISO in which at present is registered more than twenty artists and sculptors. The society of artists unites people fond of absolutely different creativity. Along with painting and a sculpture also national creativity, forge workshops here is presented. The society carries out versatile training, frequently the free.

Vladimir Vladimirovicha's pictures were exposed in Armenia, Belarusii, in many cities of Russia, in Baltic. Now he owns an art workshop where works and writes remarkable pictures, and also trains young generation of artists. He considers that the present generation needs art and consequently, considers as the debt to support young talents. Vladimir Vladimirovicha's children don't lag behind the father and also are engaged in art.