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The Serpukhov artists continuation

Addressing to traditional genres of painting, young artists went by reconsideration and search that is characteristic for them and today. And with it they were helped by a heritage not only Russian, but also world art. The first exposition of Showroom in 1995 on which all artists of a city have been presented,


It was similar to a colourful palette, with set of colors and shades.

So E.Shatova, N.Zudova, T.Kodoeva's work, graduates of Surikovsky institute, gravitate to monumentalism of composite construction, лапидарности drawing, severity of the form, width of picturesque dab. Early died Shatov the representative of "severe style", high picturesque профессиональности. Monumentalism and the importance of its conversations, does their historical as a matter of fact. Nikolay Zudov the master of a classical composition and a picturesque manner, always exacting to the creativity. The range of its works is wide, from the thin landscapes filled with lyrics to severe and strict portraits and genre compositions. Kodoeev the artist emotional, surprisingly beautiful color scale, creates major images of world around, combining the general and individual.

Representatives of other art schools are interesting. True to a romantic theme of war of 1812 B.Filin, immerses the spectator in the world of the color, sated colourful dab. Courageous, in an original way constructed, are various on a color score, filled with deep intellectual and symbolical sense of product of A.ShChennikova. It is keen on P.Lazarev's postimpressionism, the basic means of expression, the carrier of the emotional maintenance of its works are courageous and open color chords. The bright, bearing heat of the Georgian painting creating the form by extremely sated color A.Pimenov, the graduate of Tbilisi Academy of Arts. Contrasts of color combinations, expressive texture dab, juicy decorative effect give dramatic nature to pictures In, Hodjakova. Always aspiring to transfer of material beauty of world around, addressing to obviously prosy subjects and motives, A.Kurochkin, confirms to be right each thing esthetically significant. Works Т. Ryigovoi with emotionally rich color, transfer us to the world of dream, harmony and poetic dreams. Is refined-graphic, with elements of a modernist style of product of N.Burdzhina. Soft color nuances define A.Prostjakova's lyrical landscapes. In J.Kuchinova's works, in landscapes and still-lifes the clear and distinct harmony, natural simplicity of color scores. The contemplate perception and narration are combined in V.Kuzminova's pictures. It is possible to speak About the Serpukhov painters much, but the limited frameworks of article don't allow it.

Many painters give considerable attention also to a drawing, working as a pastel, a water color, for example Kuchinov, Kurochkin, Ryzhov, but there are masters, for which this art form the basic.

P.Muratkin was the good etcher. In perfection owns A.Mitrjuhin's graphic and water color technics, creating the sheets found in the color relation.

S.Schultz's easy water colors cause associations with works of old masters. Is fantastic-openwork and simultaneously basten монотипии I.Shumilkinoj. Artist Karabanov V.Rabotaet in different graphic technicians, safely uses in compositions.

Receptions of ancient engravings. Arts and crafts are traditionally connected with the textile industry. In pre-war years at Cotton-printing factory the art workshop where there was a remarkable collective of gifted artists has been created. Here again, first of all, it is necessary to name A.Hlopinsky and T.Muhataevoj's names. They have developed hundreds samples for different types of fabrics. Their works repeatedly received prizes and awards at allied and international exhibitions. In the creativity they have continued the best traditions of Russian folk art, have enriched with their new ideas and images. Remarkable master Aleksandrova Marina creates unique on the technician of execution gobelins from felt, filling their space with fantastic forms, a picturesque enchanting spectacle. Alexander Aleshchuka's jeweler works are interesting under the art decision.

Sculpture as the art form, hasn't had due development in Serpukhov. Creativity of the known Russian Soviet sculptor of Nina Nikolaevny Muhataevoj is connected with art life of a city, the constant participant of museum exhibitions. Its sculptures are stored in our museum. In a city sculptor Anatoly Jakovlevich Pevzner was known. It basically worked in a portrait genre. A.S.Pushkina's portraits and the Hero of the Great Patriotic War Oleg Stepanova outwardly описательны, but possess the individual characteristic. Creativity of Serpukhov sculptor E.Smirnova includes a decorative and small plasticity. He equally well feels both a tree, and metal, ceramics. In his hands they become obedient and warm.

The picture of art life of a city would be incomplete without a mention of the big group of amateur artists. The most part from them works or worked as designers - K.Nesterov, V.Lomasko, E.Lesnikov. One were engaged in painting since the childhood, at first in a fine art studio, then at Correspondence Public university of Krupsky, others have come to art by very mature people. As surprising kindness and lyricism blows from works Mishkovsky and Voloshin. Without being beyond, their works possess attractiveness of folk art. It is difficult to name Nesterov's products amateur. Its realistic and abstract compositions are executed is masterful, professionally. Multifaceted creativity of Lomasko В - painting, a drawing, design, metal, the most complicated technics of a marquetry. In each art form he achieves expressiveness. E.Lesnikova, N.Bujanova, A.Pomjalova's landscapes are remarkable and poetical. All amateur artists the desire to write, draw unites, aspiration to express.

Last years there was a possibility to receive art education and in Serpukhov. And it not only Children's art school in which L.Aleshchuk's skilled teachers, 0 teach. Лазарева, schoolgirl A.A.Buzovkina L.Kochetkova.

The art branch in Regional Teacher training college has opened.

Here the young generation is learned to skill by known artists about whom it was told above - Kurochkin, Kodoev, Prostjakov, and younger E.Ipatov, E.Zudilina, E.Ipatova.

Showroom opening became important event in cultural and art life of a city. Its areas allow to spend retrospective and memorial expositions not off and on, and is systematic and regular, to acquaint people from Serpukhov with creativity of our artists. Constantly replaced expositions, meetings with artists play the major role in esthetic education of the youth, growing up new generation of artists which are creatively active and courageous, on the same level with seniors participate in exhibitions of the most different level. For example, the young and talented schedule Victoria Lomasko. Its water colors differ thin colourful shades, and a drawing a beautiful rhythm. The artist the designer - the application engineer. Yana Janovsky creates courageous and unusual works on a composition. This not a broken link of generations - pledge of the future of art life of Serpukhov.

The critic,

Member of the union of artists of Russia.

Topurija Natalla.